Građanska rođenja u Nizozemskoj, 1811. - 1915.
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Traži u Građanska rođenja u Nizozemskoj, 1811. - 1915.
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Građanska rođenja u Nizozemskoj, 1811. - 1915.
31.860.841 zapisa
Ova zbirka je lista zapisa o civilnim rođenjima za različite lokalitete širom Nizozemske. Zapisi tipično uključuju ime djeteta, roditeljska imena i datum i mjesto rođenja djeteta. U nekim slučajevima, ostale informacije poput imena svjedoka mogu također biti dana. Izvor informacije je osigurao pomoć u lociranju izvornog zapisa.<br><br>Civil registration—the recording of births, marriages, and deaths by civil authorities—was officially instituted in the Netherlands on 1 March 1811. However, in some areas of the Netherlands civil records were kept as early as 1795. Please see the archive list below for locality coverage. The majority of the records date between 1811 and 1915, though the extent of year coverage can vary by locality.<br/><br/><p>Records included in this collection come from the following archives: </p><p><i>Drenthe</i></p> <ul style="margin-left: 1.5em;"> <li/> Drenthe Archive <i>(Drents Archief)</i> </ul><br/> <p><i>Flevoland</i></p> <ul style="margin-left: 1.5em;"> <li/> Nieuw Land Heritage <i>(Nieuw Land Erfgoedcentrum)</i> </ul><br/> <p><i>Friesland</i></p> <ul style="margin-left: 1.5em;"> <li/> Tresoar <i>(AlleFriezen)</i> <li/> Historic Centre Leeuwarden <i>(Historisch Centrum Leeuwarden)</i> </ul><br/> <p><i>Gelderland</i></p> <ul style="margin-left: 1.5em;"> <li/> Gelders Archive <i>(Gelders Archief)</i> <li/> Municipal Archives Ede <i>(Gemeentearchief Ede)</i> <li/> Regional Archives Rivierenland <i>(Regionaal Archief Rivierenland)</i> </ul><br/> <p><i>Groningen</i></p> <ul style="margin-left: 1.5em;"> <li/> AlleGroningers <i>(AlleGroningers)</i> </ul><br/> <p><i>Limburg</i></p> <ul style="margin-left: 1.5em;"> <li/> Municipal Archives of Venlo <i>(Gemeentearchief Venlo)</i> <li/> Municipal Archive Kerkrade <i>(Gemeentearchief Kerkrade)</i> <li/> Regional Historic Centre Limburg <i>(Regionaal Historisch Centrum Limburg)</i> <li/> Municipal Archive Venray <i>(Gemeente Venray, gemeentearchief)</i> </ul><br/> <p><i>North Brabant</i></p> <ul style="margin-left: 1.5em;"> <li/> Brabant Historical Information Centre <i>(Brabants Historisch Informatie Centrum)</i> <li/> City Archive Breda <i>(Stadsarchief Breda)</i> <li/> Regional Historic Centre Eindhoven <i>(Regionaal Historisch Centrum Eindhoven)</i> <li/> West-Brabant Archive <i>(West Brabants Archief)</i> <li/> Regional Archive Tilburg <i>(Regionaal archief Tilburg)</i> </ul><br/> <p><i>North Holland</i></p> <ul style="margin-left: 1.5em;"> <li/> Regional Archive Alkmaar <i>(Regionaal Archief Alkmaar)</i> </ul><br/> <p><i>Overijssel</i></p> <ul style="margin-left: 1.5em;"> <li/> City Archives Enschede <i>(Stadsarchief Enschede)</i> <li/> Historical Center Overijssel <i>(Historisch Centrum Overijssel)</i> <li/> Municipal Archive Hengelo <i>(Gemeentearchief Hengelo)</i> </ul><br/> <p><i>South Holland</i></p> <ul style="margin-left: 1.5em;"> <li/> Archive Delft <i>(Archief Delft)</i> <li/> Heritage Leiden and Environs <i>(Erfgoed Leiden en omstreken)</i> <li/> Municipality Lisse <i>(Gemeente Lisse)</i> <li/> Municipal Archive Schiedam <i>(Gemeentearchief Schiedam)</i> <li/> Municipal Archive Wassenaar <i>(Gemeentearchief Wassenaar)</i> <li/> Regional Archives Dordrecht <i>(Regional Archives Dordrecht)</i> <li/> Provincial Archives South Holland <i>(Nationaal Archief Rijksarchief Zuid-Holland)</i> <li/> City Archives Rotterdam<i> (Stadsarchief Rotterdam)</i> </ul><br/> <p><i>Utrecht</i></p> <ul style="margin-left: 1.5em;"> <li/> Eemland Archive <i>(A</i>rchief Eemland) <li/> The Utrecht Archives <i>(Het Utrechts Archief)</i> <li/> Regional History Center Vecht and Venen <i>(Regionaal Historisch Centrum Vecht en Venen)</i> </ul><br/> <p><i>Zeeland</i></p> <ul style="margin-left: 1.5em;"> <li/> Municipal Archive Borsele <i>(Gemeentearchief Borsele)</i> <li/> Municipal Archive Schouwen-Duiveland <i>(Gemeentearchief Schouwen-Duiveland)</i> <li/> Zeeland Archives <i>(Zeeuws Archief)</i> </ul>
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M. C. Escher - Graphic ArtistFriesland, Netherlands
Maurits Cornelis Escher, better known as M. C. Escher, was a graphic artist whose work often explored mathematical ideas. M. C. Escher was born on 17 June 1898 in Leeuwarden, Netherlands, to George Arnold Escher, a civil engineer, and Sara Adriana Gleichman.