History of the Fifteenth Regiment, Iowa Veteran Volunteer Infantry, From October, 1861, To August, 1865, When Disbanded at the End of the War
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Traži u History of the Fifteenth Regiment, Iowa Veteran Volunteer Infantry, From October, 1861, To August, 1865, When Disbanded at the End of the War
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History of the Fifteenth Regiment, Iowa Veteran Volunteer Infantry, From October, 1861, To August, 1865, When Disbanded at the End of the War
720 zapisa
History of the Fifteenth Regiment, Iowa Veteran Volunteer Infantry, From October, 1861, To August, 1865, When Disbanded at the End of the War (1887). Preface signed: Wm. W. Belknap, compiled by Loren S. Tyler<br><br>
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